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    RPG Maker 2000

    Welcome to the RPG Maker 2000 section. Here, you can expect to find games that use the program, RPG Maker 2000. The only component you need to play the games is the RTP package. It's an 11 megabyte download you can get here. If you want the actual program to make RPGs, you can download it right here.


    5/28/02: I've put up a playable demo of my DBZ RPG. Still haven't thought of a title to call it though. Sorry it took so long.

    02/19/02: Fixed RTP download link.

    11/01/01: I've put up information about my RPG. Click on the link. Like I said earlier, the early early early etc. etc. demo version is coming.

    10/31/01: Happy Halloween. It is also the grand opening of this webpage. Demo release of my RPG expected in 1 to 1.5 weeks.


    Here is a list of all the projects. Later, I will accept submissions for other projects (probably in a month or two), but for now I'm just posting my project, a DBZ RPG. I haven't exactly thought of a title yet, but a very early demo will be released soon.

  • My Dragon Ball Z RPG